Sunday, April 15, 2007


yet another delightful saturday night. last time we went out was 20 days ago.
when i feel this way, i really wonder why do i bother.
or if i really deserve to feel and be this messed up?
(drowns into self-pity)
yes, the only thing to do is jump over the moon...
no other time, no other way, no day but today...
there is no future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hope you do realize what you're doing being spoiled, self-centered and generally speaking, a pain in the ass for far more time than you should be.
No sir, it's no more fun. You've jumped the shark, I'm afraid, since last outing when you were REALLY a bitch. At least I came to my senses to see that it doesn't really matter how often, how good, how much $$$ is spent trying to make someone cheer up, there will always be that tiny bit that sours everything.
No, I never wanted to go out and dance till midday or so. NEVER. Got that? No?
So, this time, before I get really mad seeing and feeling your BAD temper and ingratitude, I stay home, thank you.
Perhaps with these words you can see how things are going, blind ego-bird.
I'm starting to think that it was not a very fortunate idea... for both of us.
Are you "bored", yes, honey? You can bet your guts that I'm getting really bored, be sure.