Tuesday, August 28, 2007

*Pink alert*

i am dangerously close to something. And i think it is mania.
i just realized that one of the reasons i may be so gloomy today is that it is the birthday of one of my best friends from my teen years. And i haven't heard from her in ages. All i know is that she has been a mommy for a while.
i must rehearse. i guess i'm a bit nervous. And i have a sprained ankle which doesn't make it any easier.
Guess who is bitchin' tonight? Blah! Maybe i'm just tired in anticipation. After all, i have 4 days to make 2 full costumes and create a new number.
Saturday is near.

think happy thoughts...

i am behind schedule. And tuesday flew by. Damn, i'm tired of being tired.
My sex life has been neglected to sundays only. Seems its the only day my energy hasn't been all used up on something else. And that sucks.
i did my nails instead of working out. And i am glad i did. They were a disaster.

Gambate ne?!!!
(all i really wanted was to stay in bed eating marshmallows and gummy bears and watching Paradise Kiss)

Monday, August 27, 2007

*eddie cantor guarantees: keep young and beautiful if you wanna be loved (that filthy schmuck!)*

"Keep young and beautiful
It's your duty to be beautiful
Keep young and beautiful
If you want to be loved
Don't fail to do your stuff
With a little powder and a puff
Keep young and beautiful
If you want to be loved"
performed by Eddie Cantor

sad and true.

but that is not the point. i'm just taking a breather.
is it still monday. This will be some week...
Yes sir, it will.
But its all ok, as long as i am young and beautiful, right?
c'est la vie, i guess.

TO DO LIST- Week of August 27th to September 1st!

- teach class
- meet with Heitor to go downtown Sao Paulo and buy fabrics and material for costumes
- teach class
- get organized for the week
- teach class
- dentist
- tidy up + laundry
- put away shopping
- work out or get nails done
- rehearse
- doctor
- teach class
- jazz class
- performance night

- teach class
- do sewing class homework
- grocery shopping
- start on costume projects
- sewing class
- teach class
- teach class
- work out
- sew (try to finish costumes)
- teach class
- jazz and tap dancing class
- start on choreography and mix track for saturday's performance
- finish whatever is left of costumes
- dread hair
- Teacher's meeting
- class
-teach class
- belly dance class
- teach class
- rehearse
- Luxuria: perform and get Master dressed up.

Mondays are always the longest days of the week. And this one is far from over. At least my 3-5:30 class was canceled so i got to buy everything on my list. Now that i can once again feel my feet, back to work. This is gonna be a long, long week.

(caution: weird face bellow!!!)

And i wouldn't have it any other way. It gives me a sense of purpose.

edit to add:
tonight will be something. Ok, i'm late again.

Friday, August 24, 2007

*she was a red hot hoochie- coocher*

And dancing... tonight i dance @ Party Íntima. Photos from last months edition:

ramen and coffee for lunch. And things to do. Hopefully i will see a friend i havent seen in a while today. And go see about my corset. But now i must rehearse. At least tomorrow morning's class is prepared. It's gonna be hardcore. Those guys are... well... basic students. Argh! i could kick my boss for giving me a Basic group! Oh well, c'est la vie.
it was an early start today. blah! And yes, this is sunrise.

Obviously, i'm lazy. Always lazy? Meh. And on day 6 of a 20 day detox diet. A looong way to go still. i wanted to cut coffee and chocolate too, but monday and PMS proved it impossible. So i am off alcohol for 6 whole days now... Considering my gig on tuesday, it is a big deal.
Look what i made on wednesday:

i love cute and pink things...
"Y'know I'm here
Everybody knows I'm here
And I'm the hoochie-coochie man
Everybody knows I'm here"
shabat shalom. It's the weekend after all. So what... my only perspective of trully resting is the other tuesday. Next week promises to be wild.
Anyone wanna get me burlesque books and videos? I would be terribly grateful... i hate that they don't have any of that stuff here in Brazil.

But i do it anyway! (Yeah, i've been working on a couple ostrich feather fans for weeks now and never seem to finish the darn things).
Have fun lovers.



pressplay 1 - Minnie the moocher - Cab Calloway
pressplay 2 - Hoochie Coochie man - Muddy Waters


Thursday, August 23, 2007

*just like blah!*

*like blah!*

(PMS and cold feet)*

*I'm your villain*

"I know what I am
I'm your villain
I don't give a damn if
I'm your villain
Because serious
You're so serious
But I've got ready salted
ready on your belly
If you want to have fun..."
cansada... nao, nao tenho tempo de ficar doente. Fuck that!
quinta-feira: dia de aula de sapateado e jazz, dia de cair na cama quebrada depois das aulas
sexta-feira: descanso? Nope, Party Íntima.
e eu. So follow that white rabbit.
pressplay - i'm your villain - Franz Ferdinand
still like blah!



Wednesday, August 15, 2007

*crash the party*

being a misfit all my life conditioned me into feeling like i don't deserve the good things life brings me now and then. That is a lie, i guess i do.
Don't i?
i'm tired and a bit hungover. And back in town. These short trips can be exhaustive.
Going to another state to do the same routine. No matter how much i practice, i still think i suck at the "Fan Dance" and i get the impression i get worse every time. And both my arms are sore from practice, believe me. i wish i had a video of last night, i really think i sucked.

Plus my favorite socks got ruined by the fireworks in the Marilyn number. Argh!
Oh well. Hope i get to work with Pacha again. They are great, and pay real well too. Plus i like all the pampering.

All things in good time. After doing hair and makeup, we went to the party place. i was too lazy to take a coat, and i suffered the price. At night it was incredibly cold and windy, despite the warm day it had been. So i tried to warm up on russian vodka (after dancing, let it be clear), only to discover i have a russian alter-ego that shows up to erase my inhibitions. Yeah, right.

And no matter how much vodka i had, or how much i danced, i still felt cold. But it was fun, nonetheless.
i actually got up early to go to the city market. i really wanted to buy the typical products from Minas: cheese, dulce de leche, sweets. And i did. i only didn't get cachaca because i was afraid of it breaking in my bag.

Honestly? Belo Horizonte is beautiful from what i could see but the people are strange and the pace is way too slow for me.

Ah the pleasure of simple things. Like disturbing the clerk at a snackbar just by passing by to the point the guy dropped a bunch of glasses on the floor. It was funny. Ok, my extremely short jeans skirt probably was responsible for that one.

Ah, how i would like to be drop-dead gorgeous with no make-up on. Without my make-up, i'm just plain boring church-going-girl-looking. Boring.
i finally fit in this skirt again. And i love it. Ha!
Then back to the hotel, to pack. And leave.
And back home. i was lucky one of the guys from the club lives nearby, so he gave me a ride. My bag was heavy.
Therefore i am tired, and lazy. So lazy that i ordered McDonalds junk food online. And now i will watch a good film. Master is away till friday, so tonight its just me and a gazillion callories.
Oh well, i'll work them off tomorrow.
"Oh girl, let's crash the party
El Dorado on the lawn (hey, hey, hey)
Let's burn holes in the carpets
Kicking, shouting, dancing on the tables all night long"
(Crash the party - Ok Go)






Lust:Very High


Take the Seven Deadly Sins Quiz

Monday, August 13, 2007

*let's go - photos galore*

not even 1 pm and i'm exhausted already. My feet are killing me. And i just cant believe that i couldnt find one damn place to get my nails done. Argh!
i'm the über procrastinator. So much time to do things, and i spent half of last week sleeping. i get suspicious of these lazy periods lately. i just can never really tell the line between dysthymia and laziness.
The other week was crazy too. All due to procrastination. Want a picture? i created the choreography for my performance on the afternoon of the gig. But i love that number. And it isn't any different now. Gig tomorrow, and i will only rehearse tonight and tomorrow night, at the hotel already.
But the other week i made 3 outfits. Last week i had two sewing classes, and made lovely undies.
And had a gig too.
And tomorrow i fly to a city i've never been too before to dance in front of strangers.
This weekend was easier. 120 days, by Sade, at the theater, then a bit of clubbing and good conversations. And burning my tongue on the inside with hot soup on a cold foggy night.
so, pictures!

The girls and me, in my Sherazade outfit. It was the last one to be made, and was easier than i feared.

Kitty and me. Her outfit took me a day and a half of work. Probably one of the hardest outfits i ever made. Hey, i'm a beginner!
A closer look to her outfit.
Mister Man and me. He is away till friday, i will be away only till wednesday. Busy days...
This is Kurt, the star in my Dominatrix act. And this was my first shot at sewing vynil. Not too bad, i guess.

me and Thot.

me, Thot and his mama - the fantastic Gisele Kenjj.

CAUTION: CAT FIGHT! Yeah, anyone can see i am not a real domme. That girl bit me for real, and i had the bite mark on my arm for over a week.


the after party. We got home at almost midday that sunday.
Thats what one gets when clubbing barefoot.
Tuesday was the second performance of "Fever", my dominatrix number.


And finally, the undies i made, and my new pink collar.

that ugly bruise is from the fetish party, as well.
yeah, i love hello kitty.
awell, back to work. And to my pesto
on: 1000 miles per hour - ok go