Thursday, November 8, 2007


i am currently tackling the much overdue task of organizing and separating my wardrobe.
obviously, i have already come to the conclusion that i have too many clothes. And that i need more. And that it will be very hard to get rid of any of the ones i have because each one has it's own history. And other because my mom gave them to me too recently, and would feel sad if she found out.
After half a (lazy) week, an unexpected happy musical put me back on track.

(i can't resist it)
My maybes may be for sure. Let's wait and see... Now, back to the (scary) lingerie drawer.
Edit: Weeeeeeeee! i rock! Why? Because i figured how to sort my almost 30 pairs of sexy socks... with little bags, by color and type. Yay!
But its time to go, so i'll have to leave the second part of the sorting (by season) for later. At least now i can find what i need when i need it.

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